by admin | May 17, 2023 | News
MastIT Group has summond the AGM 2023 in June, where the formal decision of the new Board for the coming years. The Nomination Committee’s proposal: Erik Fischbeck (re-election) Jimmy Karlsson (re-election) Gert Nordin (election) Patrik Boman (election) The Nomination...
by admin | May 16, 2023 | News
MastIT Group reports its first quarter in accordance with the new company group structure with parent/holding company (including management) and operational subsidiaries supporting its partners. The company reports continued strong organic growth during the quarter...
by admin | May 3, 2023 | News
If you will soon finish your high school or education and/or are temporarily unemployed, there is the possibility to apply for a “30-weeks education & training” including 15 weeks of internship at MastIT Group. Together with a partner, MastIT can offer you (who...