The financial targets remain the same for the MastIT Group I.e. to over time have a revenue growth of +20% per year with a healthy EBITA profit of 15 – 17% over a business cycle.
Despite the macro economics and lower performance by industry pears, the management and board of MastIT Group has recently adopted an updated the strategic business plan and reinstate the group’s financial objectives for the coming years. MastIT Group have the ambition and objective to continue to grow in primary the Swedish market the coming years.
The MastIT Group is currently in an interesting phase with focus on developing and growing the business, and we are continuously having several ongoing dialogues with target companies to primary acquire and/or entering into long-term partnerships with. We are open to entering new business discussions as well as to offer attractive key-positions to experienced new colleagues from the telecom industry or other relevant industries.
Any further questions or interests in MastIT Group please contact CEO Michael Alex.